Monday, February 28, 2011

Arctic Blast 2011!!
Nicholas – 3 years, Zachary – 19 months
Nicholas posing with Jabba the SnowHut
 Nicholas had a blast in the little bit of morning snow left by Arctic Blast 2011!!  The snow was sparse and super slushy, and it was not at all conducive to making any respectable snowperson!  So, Nicholas helped make a little Jabba the SnowHut in the backyard instead.  And once he put on Mommy’s waterproof riding gloves, he stopped screaming about his freezing fingers and had a great time hurling snowballs at anyone in his path!!  I suppose we should invest in waterproof kid gloves in the event snow decides to return anytime soon!   
Gotcha, Daddy!
 Zachary, on the other hand, did not care much for the snow.  Cold + Wet = Unhappy Zachary!  Fortunately, he braved the harsh conditions long enough to help make a tiny SnowPotato in the front yard and provide his parents with a photo op!
Zachary braves the cold!
 Zachary enjoyed a special Valentine’s playdate this month at Chuck E. Cheese with some of his friends from The Little Gym, while Nicholas celebrated the fun day at preschool with a requisite party and card exchange.  Zachary loves playing at CEC!!  And he loves his friends – Aubrey!  Mia!  Kendall!  Collin!
Making Mommy proud!
Zachary's favorite place to deposit tokens!
 The boys were also able to visit the city’s main police station this month!!  Nicholas really enjoyed seeing the police cars and a real-life jail cell!!
Yipes!  All too real!

Well, that's about all I can remember about February!!  :o)

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