Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy Birthday, Zachary!! :o)

One year ago, at about this time (3:45am)...I was sitting in front of my computer just like today.  Only last year, I was busy trying to use Contraction Master online to chart my contractions and decide whether or not a super early morning trip to the hospital was in order!  This year, it's not contractions keeping me's birthday preparations!!  And while it's not exactly fun to lose circulation to your legs while trying to wrap gifts, I much prefer it to labor.  Much. 

On this day last year, we were hoping to visit Chuck E. Cheese with Grandparents N. before they returned home.  One trip to the hospital and 13 hours or so of labor later, we missed out on the Chuck E. excitement.  This year, we WILL be there!!  Zachary will be having his second Chuck E. Cheese 1st birthday party in a matter of hours!!  (He had another Chuck E. party on Saturday with his Mommy's extended family...)  I can't believe he's already one year old!!!  He's such a sweet and wonderful little boy!!

I'll post again later in the week with an update on all the excitement of this week and last, but for now...I'll try to get a couple hours of sleep in before the birthday festivities begin...again.  That's two hours more than last year!!  :o)

Happy Birthday, Zachary!!  We love you so much!!!  :o)


Kate said...

Happy Birthday! Your kiddos are precious! They're growing up so quickly...

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!!

I used an iPod Touch app for contraction monitoring - the nurse had never seen it before!

J,K&C said...

Happy Birthday, Zachary!! I can't believe it's been a year already!!!!