On the wedding day, the flower girl who was four months younger than Nicholas, started crying alongside Nicholas at the back of the church when it came time for the two of them to walk down the aisle. Luckily, her father popped out near the front of the church waving an Elmo doll. The cute little girl went running down the aisle to meet Elmo!!! Nicholas, on the other hand, was so very excited to be able to deliver the pillow to Jesus that seeing Elmo was merely an added bonus!! He walked slowly down the aisle carrying the pillow, stopped for a few pictures from the photographer as the bridesmaid and groomsman pairs did before him (nevermind that this stopping coincided with the flower girl reaching the front of the church and Elmo disappearing from sight!!), handed the pillow to the best man, and started climbing on the bride's kneeler at the front of the church! The best man and Daddy kindly retrieved the silly little ring bearer and sent him towards Mommy at the back of the Church!! The priest later commented that he thought Nicholas was going to climb up to the altar to try to say the Mass himself!! I wouldn't put it past him!! Since Daddy was a groomsman and Mommy was the "ring bearer catcher", there are sadly no photos of Nicholas in action!! But, we will hopefuly be able to get some fancy pictures from the official wedding photographer at some point!! Regardless, Nicholas was very proud of his accomplishment (giving the pillow to Jesus) and was excited to get his reward - a very yummy cookie!!
Nicholas and I missed the majority of the wedding since he has always had trouble sitting still during church, but from what we did see, it was definitely a beautiful wedding!! Congrats Chris & Ali!!! :o) Nicholas also managed to swipe a bouquet from Aunt Kaela after the wedding and had a grand ole time running around the church with it!! Mommy was just happy to get some extra pictures!
Nicholas's favorite part of the wedding was most definitely the reception!! He had a ball dancing around to the various songs!! He was the center of attention for many a song, but we just couldn't get him to dance with the flower girl!!! He's used to older girls, I guess!! He did get to dance with his new Aunt Ali, though!! Very sweet!
Nicholas also had a great time visiting with his El Paso grandparents, his Great Grandma N., his aunts and uncles, and many of his great aunts and uncles and their families! He especially enjoyed riding the hotel elevator up and down and up and down!! What a silly boy!! And of course, upon our arrival at the hotel, Grandpa N. informed us about the sad Michael Jackson news. So, in his honor, Auntie Em taught Nicholas to sing and dance along to Thriller!
What a fun time for Nicholas!! It's definitely good to be back home, though!! The hotel was apparently having air conditioning problems over the weekend...ugh. :oP
On another random note, Nicholas was watching PBS today and a before-show segment asked him to fill in the blank...
"Hooper found one shoe,
It was small and new,
It was painted in blue,
He wished he had ___"
Nicholas walked up to the TV and said, "Two!! One, two!!" My jaw dropped as the little segment host said, "Two! Very good, because it rhymes with blue!" I don't know if Nicholas has ever seen that segment before and just happened to remember it, or maybe he's just that smart! I was impressed either way!! What a smart little guy!! :o)